NWU Theology - GKSA Minister Training
Students who wish to train for the ministry in the Reformed Churches in SA must complete the BDiv , MDiv and Final Year quilification(will still be announced in time).
BDiv (Full time at Potchefstroom and Distance)
Code: 3BC K01 T401P
Duration of study:
The minimum duration of the study period for this qualification is four years full time. The maximum period is six years, provided that students may apply for an extension of the period in accordance with General Academic Rules A.1.14 & A.1.17.
Admission Requirements:
According to the Academic Rules of the University the admission requirements for all formal academic qualifications offered by the University are set out in the Admission Policy as approved by Senate and Council. This means that all school-end certificates have to be endorsed to indicate that the minimum statutory requirements for obtaining admission to B-degree studies at a university in the RSA have been met. The Faculty nevertheless reserves the right to apply further screening, the results of which will be used to consider the applications of candidates for admission.
Curriculum outcomes:
a) Equips graduates with an extensive knowledge base, analytical and interpretative skills to guide systematic reflection, critical and valid interpretation and arguing of the theories and established techniques relevant to the different sub-disciplines;
b) Communicate detailed knowledge coherently and effectively in well-formulated arguments to individuals and a wide range of audiences,
c) Be able to communicate information in terms of a written research report, utilising advanced academic discourses, based on the interrogation of multiple sources, the capability to solve problems, and independently and with integrity manage and apply well developed processes of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
Compilation of curriculum:
Year level 1 / Jaarvlak 1 |
Year level 2 / Jaarvlak 2 |
Year level 3 / Jaarvlak 3 |
Year level 4 / Jaarvlak 4 |
First semester Eerste semester |
First semester Eerste semester |
First semester Eerste semester |
First semester Eerste semester |
Module Code Modulekode |
Core Kern |
Cr Kr |
Module Code Modulekode |
Core Kern |
Cr Kr |
Module Code Modulekode |
Core Kern |
Cr Kr |
Module Code Modulekode |
Core Kern |
Cr Kr |
AFLL111/ AFNP118/ ENLS111 |
X |
12 |
GRKS112 |
H |
12 |
APOL311 |
H |
8 |
HERM411 |
H |
8 |
LATN112/ GERM111 |
H |
12 |
NTES213 |
H |
8 |
DOGM312 |
H |
8 |
LITK411 |
H |
8 |
NTES112 |
H |
12 |
OTES213 |
H |
8 |
GRKS211 |
H |
16 |
NTES411 |
H |
16 |
OTES112 |
H |
12 |
PAST212 |
H |
12 |
HERM311 |
H |
8 |
OTES411 |
H |
16 |
TEOL112 |
H |
8 |
SEMT112 |
H |
12 |
KATE313 |
H |
12 |
TNAV471 |
H |
8 |
SEMT211 |
H |
16 |
WVLS312 |
X |
12 |
Total 1st |
56 |
Total 1st |
52 |
Total 1st |
80 |
Total 1st |
56 |
semester Totaal 1ste |
semester Totaal 1ste |
semester Totaal 1ste |
semester Totaal 1ste |
semester |
semester |
semester |
semester |
Year level 1 / Jaarvlak 1 |
Year level 2 / Jaarvlak 2 |
Year level 3 / Jaarvlak 3 |
Year level 4 / Jaarvlak 4 |
Second semester Tweede semester |
Second semester Tweede semester |
Second semester Tweede semester |
Second semester Tweede semester |
Module Code Modulekode |
Core Kern |
Cr Kr |
Module Code Modulekode |
Core Kern |
Cr Kr |
Module Code Modulekode |
Core Kern |
Cr Kr |
Module Code Modulekode |
Core Kern |
Cr Kr |
ALDE/A122 |
X |
12 |
GRKS122 |
H |
12 |
DOGM322 |
H |
8 |
NTES421 |
H |
16 |
ETIE121 |
H |
8 |
HOML221 |
H |
12 |
GRKS221 |
H |
16 |
OTES421 |
H |
16 |
KDSG121 |
H |
8 |
MISS222 |
H |
8 |
OPON321 |
H |
16 |
HOML421 |
H |
8 |
LATN122 / GERM121 |
H |
12 |
SEMT122 |
H |
12 |
PAST323 |
H |
12 |
TNAV472 |
H |
30 |
PAST122 |
H |
12 |
WVSS221 |
X |
12 |
SEMT221 |
H |
16 |
Total 2nd |
52 |
Total 2nd |
56 |
Total 2nd |
68 |
Total 2nd |
70 |
semester Totaal 2de |
semester Totaal 2de |
semester Totaal 2de |
semester Totaal 2de |
semester |
semester |
semester |
semester |
Total year level 1 Totaal jaarvlak 1 |
108 |
Total year level 2 Totaal jaarvlak 2 |
108 |
Total year level 3 Totaal jaarvlak 3 |
148 |
Total year level 4 Totaal jaarvlak 4 |
126 |
Total credits for the curriculum / Totale krediete vir die kurrikulum |
490 |
MDiv (Only full time at Potchefstroom)
Code: 3CE Q01 T801P
Duration of study:
The duration of the study is one year full time.
Admission Requirements:
The admission requirements for all formal academic qualifications offered by the University are set out in the Admission Policy as approved by Senate and Council. In addition to these general requirements, the following apply:
a) An Honours BTh or equivalent qualification.
b) Before the start of the study, students must apply for selection on the prescribed form to the Programme Leader MDiv.
Programme Outcomes:
Students should be able, on the basis of advanced applied teaching and learning in Christian Theology, to:
a) function effectively in the following: valid interpretation and application of the Bible (with tools), ecclesiastical ministry, pastoral counselling, ethical orientation and establishment of values, community development
b) compile a professional portfolio or write a dissertation in sound academic style
c) function in a multicultural and international context
d) register for MTh or MA.
Compilation of curriculum
Module Code Modulekode |
Core Kern |
Cr Kr |
Descriptive name Beskrywende naam |
Prerequisites Voorvereistes |
First Semester / Eerste semester |
Compulsory modules Verpligte modules |
DOGM811 |
H |
8 |
Christology to Eschatology Christologie tot Eskatologie |
KERG811 |
H |
8 |
Reformed Church Polity: Historical Overview Die Gereformeerde Kerkreg: Historiese oorsig |
LITK811 |
H |
8 |
The Liturgy of Public Worship Liturgie van die Erediens |
MISS811 |
H |
8 |
Mission as an Africa initiative Sending as Afrika-inisiatief |
NTES812 |
H |
12 |
Acts and the General Epistles, Hebrews and Paul’s Captivity Epistles, 1 and 2 Corinthians Handelinge en die Algemene Briewe, Hebreërs en Paulus se gevangeneskapsbriewe en 1 en 2 Korintiërs |
OTES812 |
H |
12 |
Interpretation of Prophetic Literature Die interpretasie van die Profetiese Literatuur |
Total 1st semester / Totaal 1ste semester |
56 |
Module Code Modulekode |
Core Kern |
Cr Kr |
Descriptive name Beskrywende naam |
Prerequisites Voorvereistes |
Second semester / Tweede semester |
Compulsory modules Verpligte modules |
DOGM821 |
H |
8 |
Modern Theologians and their Value for Practical Ministry Moderne Teoloë en hulle betekenis vir die Bedieningspraktyk |
ETIE821 |
H |
8 |
Ethical Issues in the Current South African Context Aktuele etiese temas in die Suid-Afrikaanse Konteks |
HOML821 |
H |
8 |
Applied Homiletics / Toegepaste Homiletiek |
KDSG821 |
H |
8 |
Modern Church and Dogma History Moderne Kerk- en Dogmageskiedenis |
MISS821 |
H |
8 |
Missionary Apologetics / Missionêre Apologetiek |
NTES821 |
H |
8 |
Pauline Epistles: 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Galatians, Romans and the Pastoral Epistles Paulus se Briewe: 1 en 2 Tessalonisense, Galasiërs, Romeine en die Pastorale Briewe |
OTES821 |
H |
8 |
Interpretation of the Writings: Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Ruth, Esther and Daniel Die interpretasie van die Geskrifte: Kronieke, Esra,Nehemia, Rut, Ester en Daniël |
PAST822 |
H |
8 |
Applied Pastoral Studies / Toegepaste Pastoraal |
Select 1 from the following / Kies 1 uit die volg: |
TEOL873 or / of |
H |
60 |
Mini Dissertation / Skripsie |
TEOL874 |
H |
60 |
Portfolio / Portefeulje |
TNAV671 |
Total 2nd semester / Totaal 2de semester |
124 |
Total credits for the curriculum Totale krediete vir die kurrikulum |
180 |