

  • Etiek opleiding

Dit is verpligtend vir alle nagraadse studente om hulself met die basiese beginsels te vergewis ten einde etiese prosedures te kan hanteer terwyl hulle die navorsingsvoorstel voorberei.   


Bewys van etiekopleiding kan verkry word deur die aanlyn etiekkursus te voltooi:



TRREE modules ter voltooiing (aangebied in Engels):

  1. *Module 1 Introduction to research ethics
  2. *Module 2.1 Research ethics evaluation
  3. *Module 3.1 Informed consent
  4. *National supplement for South Africa





Human Research Ethics for the Social Sciences and Humanities web page:

  It is compulsory for each promoter/supervisor and his/her students to submit an ethics training certificate(s) when submitting the Research Proposal to the different committees for evaluation.



  • Application for Literature Studies

  1. 3B Application form for Literature studies
  2. Code of Conduct


  • Application for Empirical Studies (human participants)

  1. 3A Application form for Empirical Studies
  2. Code of Conduct 
  3. Questionnaire (if applicable)
  4. Structured interview (if applicable)
  5. Confidentiality Undertaking (if applicable)
  6. Indemnity form