Dr At Lamprecht
Senior Lecturer & Programme Leader: BA & BA Hons in Ancient Languages +27 18 285 2352 at.lamprecht@nwu.ac.za Building K23, Office 109, Potchefstroom PhDBiblical Hebrew semantics, Biblical Aramaic, Spatial Cognition (Death metaphor in the Hebrew Bible), Cognitive Concepts in the Book of Job

Dr Godwin Mushayabasa
Senior Lecturer & Director of School of Ancient Languages and Text Studies +27 18 299 1609 Godwin.Mushayabasa@nwu.ac.za Building K23, Office G15, Potchefstroom PhD in Semitic Languages - C3 NRF-rated researcherBiblical Hebrew Linguistics, Peshitta (Ezekiel, Old Syriac Gospels), Cognitive Linguistics and Frame Semantics, Textual Criticism

Dr Lynton Boshoff
Lecturer; Subject Chair: Hebrew, Arabic, Ancient Cultures & Linguistic Modules +27 18 299 1604 lynton.boshoff@nwu.ac.za Building K23 Office 105, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom DPhil Classical Languages & LiteratureLatin poetry of Late Antiquity & the Early Middle Ages, The Post-Roman West, Reception of Antiquity

Ms Retha Kruger
Lecturer 018 299 1967 28701739@nwu.ac.za Building K23, Office 208, Potchefstroom PhD candidate in Ancient Languages and Text studies with specialization in Semitic studiesAncient cultures, Biblical Hebrew, Book of Job, Semantics and Pragmatics, Ancient Near Eastern studies, Semitic languages