You are cordially invited to submit abstracts of no more than 400 words for proposed scientific papers to the organisers before or by 31 May 2023.
All proposals and applicable correspondence should be forwarded to Nicholas P.L. Allen at Shroudallen@gmail.com. All proposals will be carefully reviewed by the members of the HSASG organising committee and their appointed referees.
At present, the organising committee consists of four members:
Prof. Dr Nicholas P.L. Allen (NWU)
Dr Ibolya Balla (PRTA)
Dr Jacob (Jaap) J.T. Doedens (PRTA)
Prof. Dr Pierre J. Jordaan (NWU)
Approved papers will be placed on the official conference agenda by or before 30 August 2023. In this regard, on the day of delivery (i.e. 9–12 October), delegates will be assigned a 25-minute slot for delivery plus an additional 10 minutes for questions and debate (i.e. a total of 35 minutes).
We should point out, that if an unavoidable and/or urgent situation should arise, we are perfectly able to manage online presentations via MS Teams. However, we are primarily dedicated to hosting a face to face conference with all the obvious benefits of networking and building meaningful relationships.
It is envisioned that this conference might serve as a catalyst for the subsequent evolution of a suitable scientific publication (not a mere conference proceedings), with a strong, overriding theme. The realisation of this objective will be entirely dependent on the scope and scientific quality of the various papers presented at the conference. In this regard, a special meeting will be scheduled for all interested parties on the last day of the conference.