Director: Prof Dr RS (Risimati) Hobyane

Senior Administrative Assistant:  Ms (Tienie) HP Buys

  • 15 Fulltime academic staff members
  • 8 Academics from various academic institutions, national and international, are affiliated with our research unit as extraordinary researchers.
  • 7 NRF-rated researchers
  • 6 Postdoctoral fellows
  • Post-65 Researcher – Prof HF (Herrie) van Rooy ( B3 - NRF-rated researcher)

  Dr At Lamprecht

  Senior Lecturer & Programme Leader: BA & BA Hons in Ancient Languages
  +27 18 285 2352
  Building K23, Office 109, Potchefstroom
  Biblical Hebrew semantics, Biblical Aramaic, Spatial Cognition (Death metaphor in the Hebrew Bible), Cognitive Concepts in the Book of Job

  Dr Elma Cornelius

  Senior Lecturer; Programme Leader: BA Pastoral Psychology
  +27 16 910 3594
  Building A16, Office G05, Vanderbijlpark
  DPhil in Religious Studies
  Theology: New Testament; Rhetorical Criticism: New Testament, Spiritual Intelligence, Ancient Texts as Loci of Power Abuse

  Prof Gideon Kotze

  Research Professor
  +27 18 299 1839
  Building K23, Office 116, Potchefstroom
  DTh, NRF-C1
  Textual criticism, Dead Sea scrolls, Septuagint Studies, Ancient Near Eastern languages and cultures

  Dr Godwin Mushayabasa

  Senior Lecturer & Director of School of Ancient Languages and Text Studies
  +27 18 299 1609
  Building K23, Office G15, Potchefstroom
  PhD in Semitic Languages  - C3 NRF-rated researcher
  Biblical Hebrew Linguistics, Peshitta (Ezekiel, Old Syriac Gospels), Cognitive Linguistics and Frame Semantics, Textual Criticism

  Prof Hans van Deventer

  +27 16 910 3464
  Building A16, Office G07, Vanderbijlpark
  C2 NRF-rated researcher
  Book of Daniel (Hebrew Bible), Hermeneutics

  Prof Hennie Goede

  Executive Dean: Faculty of Theology
  +27 18 285 2496
  Building K23, Office G17(b), Potchefstroom
  Greek, New Testament Studies, Hermeneutics

  Prof Jaco Gericke

  Associate Professor
  +27 16 910 3399
  Building A16, Office G08, Vanderbijlpark
  B3 NRF-rated researcher
  Philosophy of religion/philosophical theology in the history of HB/OT interpretation, New developments in philosophical-theological/religious approaches to the HB/OT, Reception of the HB/OT in the history of philosophical theology/philosophy of religion

  Dr Johan Steenkamp

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 285 2374
  Building K23, Office 113, Potchefstroom
  Latin Literature, Classical Reception, Roman and Hellenistic Historiography

  Dr Lekgetho Moretsi

  +27 18 299 1843
  Building K11, Office G09, Potchefstroom
  Semitic Languages (Hebrew, Syriac), Translation Technique, Psalms (Book 3), Early Prophets

  Dr Lynton Boshoff

  Lecturer; Subject Chair: Hebrew, Arabic, Ancient Cultures & Linguistic Modules
  +27 18 299 1604
  Building K23 Office 105, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  DPhil Classical Languages & Literature
  Latin poetry of Late Antiquity & the Early Middle Ages, The Post-Roman West, Reception of Antiquity

  Prof Philip du Toit

  Associate Professor & Subprogramme leader: African Spiritualities and Leadership
  +27 18 389 2824
  Building A2a, Office G03A, Mahikeng
  C3 - NRF-rated researcher
  New Perspectives on Paul; Paul in Judaism; Identity; Christian Zionism; Messianic Judaism.

  Prof Pierre Jordaan

  Professor: Greek
  +27 18 299 1602
  Building K23, Office 107, Potchefstroom
  C2 NRF-rated researcher
  Septuagint and Cognate Studies

  Prof Risimati Hobyane

  Research Director: Ancient Languages
  +27 18 299 1531
  Building K23, Office G11, Potchefstroom
  Y2 NRF-rated researcher
  New Testament (Johannine Studies) and Septuagint Studies

  Mrs Tienie Buys

  Higher Degrees Assistant
  +27 18 299 1845
  Building K23, Office G09, Potchefstroom